Russia steals grain from Ukraine, China most likely knew in advance of Putin’s plans to invade Ukraine.

  If necessary , China will not have a  shortage of grain, China’s alliance with Russia is a dangerous development for Europe in particular, China can eventually invade Europe together with Russia . @az  

Putin goes abroad for the first time in months

President Putin will visit Tajikistan and Turkmenistan next week, according to Russian state television. These countries in Central Asia used to be part of the Soviet Union and are still allies of Moscow.

It is known to be the first time since the start of the war that Putin has traveled abroad. He wants to strengthen ties with countries that do not participate in the sanctions imposed on Russia, mainly by Western countries. Just before the war started, Putin was in Beijing. Russia and China concluded a friendship treaty without borders there.


Russians steal grain from occupied Berdyansk

A Russian grain ship entered the port of Berdyansk on Sunday, accompanied by four Russian warships. A spokesman for the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense says that the Russians want to load the ship with grain, without paying for it.

“Our city will probably lose its last grain supply,” a spokesman for the Berdyansk city council told the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform.

There are more indications that Russia is stealing grain from occupied Ukrainian territory and transporting it via Crimea to friendly Syria. From there it would be offered to countries in need. For example, according to Ukrinform, the Russians would transport thirty to fifty trucks with grain from Melitopol every day. The Russians deny all allegations of grain theft.

Hungary offers Ukraine new export route

alternative routes are popping up, special fast rail to nearest free ports may be an idea so trains can run 24 hours

Hungary may be exporting grain from Ukraine abroad via its own territory. “We have offered to allow and facilitate the export of food by Hungary,” the Hungarian foreign minister said at a meeting with fellow EU ministers.

The minister mentioned two logistics hubs on the eastern border, but did not say how much grain could be exported via Hungary. Food exports are mainly intended for North Africa and the Middle East.

Since the beginning of the war, the main export route through the Black Sea has been closed by the Russians. Some of the grain is now exported via Romania and Poland. Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of grain and sunflower oil worldwide. As a result, food prices have skyrocketed worldwide.